Comprehensively trained Power Pilates instructor
Owner 15 to Fit Pilates Barre & Fitness
Patrea Aeschliman B.S., NSCA CSCS
Endorses Ultimate Workout and Recovery Complete Home Gym
"As a Pilates studio owner and instructor, I see the Ultimate Workout and Recovery system as a wonderful tool to help empower injured people to make a full recovery. Joseph Pilates began his amazing method helping to rehab WWI soldiers with equipment similar to the Ultimate Workout and Recovery system. It's versatile, unique and fun to use! This system works and will help people take back control of their lives step by step."
About Patrea Aeschliman B.S., NSCA CSC:
Patrea Aeschliman has been a fitness trainer for over 25 years. She has a degree in Exercise Science and Fitness from Ball State University and is a comprehensively trained Power Pilates instructor. In addition, she is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Patrea has a true passion for Pilates. Since she first gave Pilates a try 12 years ago, she has been sold on the Pilates method! It even helped her overcome injuries from 13 years of high-level gymnastics. It has been exciting to see her clients achieve remarkable results after they had been trying many other forms of exercise with no success. Patrea promises to deliver fun, exhilarating workouts both in class and private sessions!
Click Here for more about Patrea Aeschliman B.S., NSCA CSCS.